
Nomination - recurrent service

This post its a part of a series about creating an app with node.js and express for Facebook... this time we will create a service

See how we created the app

Desktop version:

mobile browsers

This time we will create a service that runs daily at some time to end the old nominations that are older than the actual date, for that we will need to add a new module, lets update our "package.json"

, "node-schedule" : "0.1.5"

And we run our command "npm install -d" to install the new dependency

Now lets first update our nominator.js controller to find old nominations

 * find old nominations
 * @callback function
NOMINATOR.findOldNomination = function(callback) {
    Nomination.find({"endDate": {"$lt": new Date()}}, callback);

We are looking for nominations where the enddate is lower tan the actual date, then we send the results to the callback

To put this to work, lets update our file server.js, first our needed variables

schedule = require('node-schedule'),
fb = require('facebook-js'),
url = 'http://nomination.cloudno.de/',
nominator = require('./controllers/nominator.js');

Firs its our new module, then load our facebook module, the nomination url to add it to wall messages and our nominator controller

Then lets start the scheduler

//add process to kill old nomination
var rule = new schedule.RecurrenceRule();
rule.dayOfWeek = [0, new schedule.Range(1, 6)];
rule.hour = 1;
rule.minute = 1;

We are telling the scheduler to run daily at 1 with 1 minutes and then we have to tell which function to do at that time

schedule.scheduleJob(rule, function(){
    nominator.findOldNomination(function(err, doc){        
        for (var i=0; i<doc.length;i++){
            endNomination(doc._id, doc);

The function just look for old nominations and those are we going to end them with endNomination funciton  

function endNomination(id, doc){
    if (doc.ownerdata){
        var users = doc.users;
        var usersl = doc.users.length;
        var voters = doc.voters;
        var votersl = doc.voters.length;
        if (usersl > 0){
            var winner = users[0];
            for (var j=1; j<usersl;j++){
                if (winner.votes < users[j].votes){
                    winner = users[j];
            var onerror = function (error) {
                            if (error) { log.debug('error posting on voted user'); return; }
                    access_token: doc.ownerdata,
                    message: app._locals.t('dashboard.won', { wname: winner.name, nname: doc.name }),
                    name: app._locals.t('dashboard.create'),
                    link: url
            for (var i=0;i<usersl;i++){
                if (users[i]._id == doc.owner){ continue; }
                        access_token: doc.ownerdata,
                        message: app._locals.t('dashboard.won', { wname: winner.name, nname: doc.name }),
                        name: app._locals.t('dashboard.create'),
                        link: url
            for (i=0;i<votersl;i++){
                if (voters[i]._id == doc.owner){ continue; }
                        access_token: doc.ownerdata,
                        message: app._locals.t('dashboard.won', { wname: winner.name, nname: doc.name }),
                        name: app._locals.t('dashboard.create'),
                        link: url
    nominator.eraseNomination(id, function(err){
        if (err) { log.debug('error erasing nomination'); return; }
        log.notice('nomination '+ id +' erased by: cron ' );

We decide the winner, make the facebook api call to update the walls of involved users, it may not reach all the walls but that its by security issues of facebook not really with our method

And we are done, check more option to schedule tasks in the github page of the module

Fork the code


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