
deploy to cloudno.de your node.js app

Version en español

This time we will see how to deploy tour app in node.js to cloudno.de, there are other services also that do a great job like heroku or nodester but for this time we will use this one that i recommend, they helped me when i need it and you can create couchdb and redis databases if you needed, the service its in beta and free so its nice, very nice

Like all the other systems we have to install their cli or "command line interface", which its only an script to help us with the deployment, updates and everything else of our app in their systems

npm install cloudnode-cli -g

Or without the g if you want a local installation and not global

Ok, we have the cli installed, lets go to the page and create a new app, this will give us the subdomain url of the app and the github repository to upload it, also a user name and a key

With the cli installed, lets setup the user, this have to be done only once

$ cloudnode user setup <username> <password>
cloudnode info verifying credentials...

the user is the same you use to login in the page and the password is the api key that the system gave you and its located in the section about your account in the page

Now, to see more options, right in the terminal "cloudnode" and you will see all the commands

Now lets clone the app that you created in the page locally to start coding, to do this lets do an "app init" in mac or linux, if you are in windows you have to do the steps manually :(

in mac or linux

$ cloudnode app init <app name>
cloudnode info initializing git repo for <app name> into folder <app name>
cloudnode info cloning the repo git clone cloudnode@git.cloudno.de:/git/hs/62-6fc0d44abf9974b91625cc10ff118871.git <app name>
cloudnode info clone complete

in windows

  1. Create a local sub directory for the application
  2. Initialize a local repository (git init)
  3. Clone the remote repo and the the remote origin URL (git clone ...)
  4. Create a sample server.js file with a simple "Hello World" application
  5. Add the new file to the local repository (git add .)
  6. Commit the changes (git commit -am "Initial commit")
  7. Push the changes live (git push origin master)

What it does its clone the repository to your machine and create an entry code just to test the app, you can clone your app in cloud9ide.com and commit there

Every time you make a commit, the system in cloudnode will restart the app so you can see the new changes immediately, also it doesnt matter the port you put on your application since cloudnode will overwrite it

And thats it, you can see your app running in cloudnode with the url provided that will be something like <app name>.cloudno.de

In your admin page you can see the log, stop it or reboot it



node.js fragments - part 1

This are gonna be some fragments of common code of node.js, some were used for nomination, hopefully you will find them useful and comeback for reference

Version en español

The always needed first program

Loading modules

First part on the file is loading a module, the modules are loaded with require, to understand more about require check this post, plus read the documentation about it

Besides just loading them, you can pass them parameters like

require('./routes/index')(app, log);

In this case we are passing some vars to the require module


Also in the first program, we can see the console.log to print out information in the console, this is useful at debugging time or to show information to the user, check the documentation for more information about using the console, there are also different levels to show the information besides there are a lot of modules that extend the functionality, some print out in colors, prettify the information, etc.

Create a server

Besides creating a serve with the http module and tell the port and the ip to listen, we can create servers with other modules, one of the most common is express, to create it with express its simple:

var app = module.exports = express.createServer();

And then we can tell it in which port to listen


You can pass the ip also, by default it takes the '' which means everywhere

There are a lot of other modules to create servers, do a quick search in github or npm to find the one that suit you better, most of them follows the same pattern

Read and write files

For this we have a nice module called "fs" or filesystem, this module have everything needed for read, write, etc in files, links or directories

FS have the option to do the operations in async or sync way, as a good practice try to always do it async


fs.readFile('data.txt', function (err, data) {
  if (err)
    throw err;
  if (data)

fs.readdir('.', function (err, files) {
 if (err)
    throw err;
 for (var index in files) {


fs.writeFile('data.txt', 'Hello, World!', function (err) {
     if (err)
       throw err;

Check attributes

fs.stat('data.txt', function (err, stats) {
  if (err)
     throw err;
  if (stats.isFile()) {
      console.log('It\'s a file!');
  if (stats.isDirectory()) {
    console.log('It\'s a directory!');

For more information check the documentation

Also you can use async.js to do it even more easy the async manipulation of files


In case you want to log information to a file for future references, you can use some modules for this, in the case of nomination we use "log.js" which is quite simple to use:

Log = require('log'),
log = new Log(),
fs = require('fs');

First we have to load the module and create an object which is the one that we are going to use in the app to log information, then we have to load fs, because we need to create the file were we are going to write

log.level = Log.DEBUG;
log.stream = fs.createWriteStream('logs/dev.log', { flags: 'w' });
log.notice('logging today:' + new Date());

After we tell the level of logs the file will have, this should be changed depending on the configuration that we are going to use, we may want to have less level of log traces for production for example

After create the file lets add it to the stream and we just need to start logging information with different levels

Check the documentation for log.js, and also there are alot of modules to do logging, from manual stuff like the one we use here to others that are helpers or middleware for some frameworks like express/connect, etc, check more modules


Since we use alot of async in our node.js programs we end up using a lot of callbacks, callbacks are nothing more than where our function will return after doing its process, the convention for calling the callback its always return an error even if there isn't any and then the data


function hello (user, callback) {
    if (!user){
        callback(new Error('no user :('));
    var msg = 'hello' + user;
    callback(null, msg);

And from where we call it

hello('newuser', function (error, msg) {
    if (error) { console.log(error.msg); return; }

In this case you always check if there happened any error or not and its more easy to control the flow


We recommend to use the "new Error()" to send your errors instead of only one string, because new Error have information about the error, where did it happened, etc, this information its very important to debug the problems and have a better idea of what its going on in the code, with the string only we could lose some of that information, check the callback information above for more information about sending errors.

Also you can see more information about this in this post

Also is recommended to use an error listener, to catch even more errors that we may be missing as described here

var events = require('events')
emitter = new events.EventEmitter()

function y(arg, callback) {
    if (arg === 1) {
    } else {
 function onTick() {
     try {
     } catch(err) {
  emitter.emit('myerror', err)


Well nice first fragments, i will continue to update with more posts about this in node.js

If you are looking for some special information please ask for it in the comments i will try to post something about it



Nomination - recurrent service

This post its a part of a series about creating an app with node.js and express for Facebook... this time we will create a service

See how we created the app

Desktop version:

mobile browsers

This time we will create a service that runs daily at some time to end the old nominations that are older than the actual date, for that we will need to add a new module, lets update our "package.json"

, "node-schedule" : "0.1.5"

And we run our command "npm install -d" to install the new dependency

Now lets first update our nominator.js controller to find old nominations

 * find old nominations
 * @callback function
NOMINATOR.findOldNomination = function(callback) {
    Nomination.find({"endDate": {"$lt": new Date()}}, callback);

We are looking for nominations where the enddate is lower tan the actual date, then we send the results to the callback

To put this to work, lets update our file server.js, first our needed variables

schedule = require('node-schedule'),
fb = require('facebook-js'),
url = 'http://nomination.cloudno.de/',
nominator = require('./controllers/nominator.js');

Firs its our new module, then load our facebook module, the nomination url to add it to wall messages and our nominator controller

Then lets start the scheduler

//add process to kill old nomination
var rule = new schedule.RecurrenceRule();
rule.dayOfWeek = [0, new schedule.Range(1, 6)];
rule.hour = 1;
rule.minute = 1;

We are telling the scheduler to run daily at 1 with 1 minutes and then we have to tell which function to do at that time

schedule.scheduleJob(rule, function(){
    nominator.findOldNomination(function(err, doc){        
        for (var i=0; i<doc.length;i++){
            endNomination(doc._id, doc);

The function just look for old nominations and those are we going to end them with endNomination funciton  

function endNomination(id, doc){
    if (doc.ownerdata){
        var users = doc.users;
        var usersl = doc.users.length;
        var voters = doc.voters;
        var votersl = doc.voters.length;
        if (usersl > 0){
            var winner = users[0];
            for (var j=1; j<usersl;j++){
                if (winner.votes < users[j].votes){
                    winner = users[j];
            var onerror = function (error) {
                            if (error) { log.debug('error posting on voted user'); return; }
                    access_token: doc.ownerdata,
                    message: app._locals.t('dashboard.won', { wname: winner.name, nname: doc.name }),
                    name: app._locals.t('dashboard.create'),
                    link: url
            for (var i=0;i<usersl;i++){
                if (users[i]._id == doc.owner){ continue; }
                        access_token: doc.ownerdata,
                        message: app._locals.t('dashboard.won', { wname: winner.name, nname: doc.name }),
                        name: app._locals.t('dashboard.create'),
                        link: url
            for (i=0;i<votersl;i++){
                if (voters[i]._id == doc.owner){ continue; }
                        access_token: doc.ownerdata,
                        message: app._locals.t('dashboard.won', { wname: winner.name, nname: doc.name }),
                        name: app._locals.t('dashboard.create'),
                        link: url
    nominator.eraseNomination(id, function(err){
        if (err) { log.debug('error erasing nomination'); return; }
        log.notice('nomination '+ id +' erased by: cron ' );

We decide the winner, make the facebook api call to update the walls of involved users, it may not reach all the walls but that its by security issues of facebook not really with our method

And we are done, check more option to schedule tasks in the github page of the module

Fork the code



Nomination mobile - part 5

This post its a part of a series about creating an app with node.js and express for Facebook... this time for mobile browsers

Desktop version:

*NOTE: jqm = jquery mobile

Last post for this mobile series

Firs the erase part, lets update the "mscript.js" with this

    var uid = $(this).attr('uid');
    var details = $('#details');
    var nid = details.find('#attd').attr('nid');
    $.post("/nominations/eraseuser", { id: nid, user: 'eraseme' },
        function(data) {
            if (data){                    
                //get the row of the user and erase it
                var usersl = details.find('.users');
                showMsg('dashboard.error', 'dashboard.error_removing');
    ).error(function() { 
        showMsg('dashboard.error', 'dashboard.error_removing'); 

And also the page to store the user id in the button:

a#remove(href="#", data-icon="minus", uid="#{user.id}") #{t('dashboard.remove_me')}

Simple, we just get the id of the user, we ge the details page and we search for the id of the nomination, send the data to the server and  if we don't have errors erase that row

God, now to refresh, lets do the following, first lets add the class "refresh" to all refresh buttons:

a.refresh(href="#", data-role="button", data-theme="b", data-icon="refresh") #{t('dashboard.refresh')}

And then add the functionality in the script

//refresh the list of nominations
$('.refresh').click(function (ev) {
    //get the actual page id
    var pageid = $.mobile.activePage.attr('id').split('-')[1];
    //erase the actual list
    var divider = $('#'+pageid).find('li')[0];
    //add the divider
    //reload the nominations

Get the id of the actual page, and then get the type on nomination the user is looking, then get the divider, erase the actual list, add again the divider, refresh and reload the nominations of that type

Good, easy, now lets update the routes to handle the request from small devices, lets update the file "routes/dashboard.js"

bt = new bowser(req);
if (bt.isMobile() || bt.isTablet()){
            user: req.session.user, 
            error : req.param('error'), 
            type: 'dashboard', 
            invited: invited                

We are checking for tablet or mobile and if so lets redirect them to the mobile version, with this any user can see the mobile version by updating the url

We are just missing to update the strings in the jade files or js to i18 strings, lets give that task as a homework for all, any doubt on doing that let me know

Thats it for the mobile verions, we have a nice version now quite interesting, lets announce it everywhere now, if you can please help me with some bugs or new stuff for the application, i may be missing a nice feature.

Next time we will try to do a job to run it daily and close the nominations already passed and send notifications in facebook to the users.

After that we will move this to phonegap to make it native for different platforms :)

Fork the code



Nomination mobile - part 4

This post its a part of a series about creating an app with node.js and express for Facebook... this time for mobile browsers

Desktop version:

*NOTE: jqm = jquery mobile

Now lets put the functionality for vote, delete and invite friends to the application

To start lets add a feature to the list of friends in the details of a nomination, when the user swipe left or right it will appear two buttons vote or delete, for that lets update "mscript.js", after add the user to the list we add (around line 150):

$('.users li').bind('swiperight swipeleft', swipe);

This will look for swipe function when the user swipe in any direction on any list item, lets add the function in the same file

function swipe(){
    // reference the just swiped list item
    var $li = $(this);
    // remove all buttons first
    // create buttons and div container
 var $deleteBtn = $('<a>Delete</a>').attr({
   'class': 'aDeleteBtn ui-btn-up-r',
   'href': '#'
    var $voteBtn = $('<a>Vote</a>').attr({
            'class': 'aVoteBtn ui-btn-up-bl',
   'href': '#'
 // insert swipe div into list item

Here we take the li as a reference, first erase the buttons if they exist already, then we create 2 buttons which have 2 clases, 1 for reference only and the other one to give them style and the position, for that lets add them to the css

.aDeleteBtn, .aVoteBtn {
    -moz-border-radius: 5px;
 -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
 float: right;
 height: 15px;
 line-height: 15px;
 margin: 10px 10px 0 0;
 padding: 0.6em;
 position: absolute;
 right: 0;
 top: 0;
 z-index: 10;
    display: none;

    right: 60px;

/* red color buttons */

.ui-btn-up-r { border: 1px solid #953403; background: #2567ab; font-weight: bold; color: #fff; cursor: pointer;  text-shadow: 0 -1px 1px #953403; text-decoration: none; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #ec4a0b, #ad390c); background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0, #ec4a0b),color-stop(1, #ad390c));   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#ec4a0b', EndColorStr='#ad390c')"; }

.ui-btn-up-r a.ui-link-inherit { color: #fff; }

.ui-btn-hover-r { border: 1px solid #953403; background: #f15c22; font-weight: bold; color: #fff;  text-shadow: 0 -1px 1px #014D68; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #f15c22, #f15c22); text-decoration: none; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0, #f15c22),color-stop(1, #f15c22));   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#f15c22', EndColorStr='#f15c22')";  }

.ui-btn-hover-r a.ui-link-inherit { color: #fff; }

.ui-btn-down-r { border: 1px solid #225377; background: #79ae21; font-weight: bold; color: #fff; text-shadow: 0 -1px 1px #225377; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #bc770f, #e6590c); background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0, #bc770f),color-stop(1, #e6590c));   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#bc770f', EndColorStr='#e6590c')"; }

.ui-btn-down-r a.ui-link-inherit { color: #fff; }

.ui-btn-up-r, .ui-btn-hover-r, .ui-btn-down-r { font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }

/* blue color buttons */

.ui-btn-up-bl { border: 1px solid #036596; background: #2567ab; font-weight: bold; color: #fff; cursor: pointer;  text-shadow: 0 -1px 1px #036596; text-decoration: none; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #2567ab, #036596); background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0, #2567ab),color-stop(1, #036596));   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#2567ab', EndColorStr='#036596')"; }

.ui-btn-up-bl a.ui-link-inherit { color: #fff; }

.ui-btn-hover-bl { border: 1px solid #036596; background: #2567ab; font-weight: bold; color: #fff;  text-shadow: 0 -1px 1px #014D68; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #2567ab, #2567ab); text-decoration: none; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0, #2567ab),color-stop(1, #2567ab));   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#2567ab', EndColorStr='#2567ab')";  }

.ui-btn-hover-bl a.ui-link-inherit { color: #fff; }

.ui-btn-down-bl { border: 1px solid #225377; background: #79ae21; font-weight: bold; color: #fff; text-shadow: 0 -1px 1px #225377; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #2567ab, #2567ab); background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0, #2567ab),color-stop(1, #2567ab));   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorStr='#2567ab', EndColorStr='#2567ab')"; }

.ui-btn-down-bl a.ui-link-inherit { color: #fff; }

.ui-btn-up-bl, .ui-btn-hover-bl, .ui-btn-down-bl { font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }

OK we got the buttons, now lets give them some functionality, lets start with delete adding this to "mscript.js"

$('.aDeleteBtn').live('click', function(ev){
    var li = $(this).parents('li');
    var details = $('#details');
    var nid = details.find('#attd').attr('nid');
    var user = {
        _id : li.attr("id"),
        name : li.attr("name"),
        votes : li.find(".count").text()
    $.post("/nominations/eraseuser", { id: nid, user: user },
        function(data) {
            if (data){
               var usersl = details.find('.users');
                showMsg('dashboard.error', 'dashboard.error_erasing_user');
    ).error(function() { $.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg();
        showMsg('dashboard.error', 'dashboard.error_erasing_user'); });

Here we take the li from where we get called and the details div to get the nomination id

We create the user object with the details and we send it to the server to erase that user and we hide the buttons, after calling the server we erase the user from the list if everything went right or show the error if any

Now, lets see the voting function

$('.aVoteBtn').live('click', function(ev){
    var li = $(this).parents('li');
    var id = li.attr('id');
    var details = $('#details');
    var nid = details.find('#attd').attr('nid');
    //var name = $('.details').find('legend').text();
    $.post("/nominations/vote", { id: nid, userid: id },
        function(data) {
            if (data){
                var votes = li.find('.count');
                //updat voted list
                showMsg('dashboard.error', 'dashboard.error_voting');
    ).error(function() {
        showMsg('dashboard.error', 'dashboard.error_voting');

Same way as before we got the data from the li and details, post to the server the information and hide the buttons, on return from server, lets update the count of the votes or show if any error

Now we are only missing the "invite" functionality, for this one we are going to recycle the add friends screen, first lets update the template "dashboardm.jade", lets add a class to our invite button to look like this:

a.doinvite(href="#", data-icon="plus", class="ui-btn-right") Invite

Then lets add to out page with id "#addf" this button to the footer

a.invite(href="#", data-role="button", data-theme="b") Invite

And then lets initialize the button hidden in our css

    display: none;

Good now the script, lets update "#adduser" onclick to hide the button


Then we add the listener for the invite button

$('.doinvite').live('click', function(){
    $.mobile.changePage( "#addf",
        transition: "pop",
        reverse: false,
     changeHash: false

We show our invite button and then the add friends panel.

To finish lets add our functionality to the invite button

$('.invite').live('click', function(){
    var users = [];
    var userp;
            "_id" : $(this).attr('id'),
            "name" : $(this).attr('name'),
            "votes" : 0
    var ul = users.length;
    if (ul > 0 && ul <= 1){
        userp = users[0];
        userp = users;
    $.post("/invite", { users: userp },
        function(data) {
            if (data){
                //showMsg('dashboard.warning', 'dashboard.invited');
                showMsg('dashboard.error', 'dashboard.warning_invited');
    ).error(function() {
        showMsg('dashboard.warning', 'dashboard.warning_invited');

We take the list of friends selected, send it to the server to invite the friends and show a message in any error

Done!! we have enough functionality...

Next we will see erase me, refresh, update our strings, check for any active session and update the routes for mobile to get our beta version complete

If you can help me out with the bugs or the features

Fork the code




Nomination mobile - part 3

This post its a part of a series about creating an app with node.js and express for Facebook... this time for mobile browsers

Part 1
Part 2

Version en español

Desktop version:

Part 10

*NOTE: jqm = jquery mobile

This time we will see how to create a new nomination, how to see the details of one and how to add friends

Lets start updating the "dashboardm.jade"

    div(data-role="header", data-theme="e")
        h1 New nomination

    div(data-role="header", data-theme="e")
                    label(for="name") Name:
                    input#name(type="text", cols="40", rows="8", name="name")
                    label(for="date") End Date:
                    input#date(type="date", cols="40", rows="8", name="date")
                    button#newnfs(data-theme="b") Submit

        a( href="#", data-rel="back", data-icon="back") Back

///page new nomination
    div(data-role="header", data-theme="e")
        h1 Add friends

    div(data-role="header", data-theme="d")

    div.ui-bar(data-role="footer", data-theme="b", data-position="fixed")
        a#bina(href="#", data-icon="back") Back
        a.add(href="#", data-role="button", data-theme="b") Add

///page add friends

    div(data-role="header", data-theme="b")
        a#cancel(href="#", data-icon="delete") Cancel
        h1 Details
        a#end(href="#", data-icon="check") End

            li(data-role="list-divider") Swipe to Vote/Delete

    .ui-bar(data-role="footer", data-theme="b", data-position="fixed")
        div(data-role="controlgroup", data-type="horizontal")
            a(href="#", data-rel="back", data-icon="back") Back
            a#adduser(href="#", data-icon="plus") Add
            a(href="#", data-icon="refresh") Refresh
            a#remove(href="#", data-icon="minus") Remove Me

///page details

We are adding 3 pages, one for each thing all inside the same html

In new form we add a form where we ask for the name and the end date

In add friends, we show the list of friends so the user can select and add to the nomination

And last its the details page, this template will serve for all the types of nominations, we will show some buttons depending on the type but this will be done via jquery

Good, lets update the script in "mscript.js"

First lets add our function to load the friends

function loadUsers(next){
    $.getJSON(next || 'http://nomination.cloudno.de/friends', function(data) {
    if (data.data.length > 0){
        var list = $('#lof');
     $.each(data.data, function(key, value){
      list.append('<input type="checkbox" name="'+value.name+'" id="'+value.id+'" />');
      list.append('<label for="'+value.id+'">'+value.name+'</label>');
     $('#lof').trigger( 'updatelayout' );
    }).error(function() { showMsg('dashboard.error', 'dashboard.error_friends'); });

In this case we are loading the list of friends from facebook and adding it to the list to use it later, this list will be loaded as soon as the user land on the page, for that lets call the function when jqm create the page:

$('#dashboard-mine').live('pagecreate', function(){    

We have our friends loaded, lets create a new nomination, remember that we put a button in all the pages to create one, lets give that button some functionality in "mscript" we add:

$('.create').live('click', function(){
    $.mobile.changePage( "#newn", { transition: "pop"} );

With this we tell jqm that at clicking this btn we will go to the new nomination page

In that page, lets wait for the user input and handle the submit button

$('#newnfs').live('click', function(ev){
    var name = $('#name').val();
    var date = $('#date').val();
    if (name!=='' && date !==''){
 $.post("http://nomination.cloudno.de/nominations/create", { name: name, datep: date },
     function(data) {
            var list = $('#mine');
            list.append('<li id="' + 
                data._id + '" type="mine"><a class="details" href="#">' + 
                data.name + '</a></li>');
            $.mobile.changePage( "#dashboard-mine" );
            return false;
 ).error(function() {
     $('#errornf').html('Error saving the nomination, try again later');
     return false;
 return false;
 $('#errornf').html('Name and date required');
 return false;

First we show the msg that we are working, we retrieve the data from the form, we do a simple check and post it, show a message if any error, if the post goes without errors lets add the nomination to the mine list, then refresh the list so all the elements gets the styles, close the loading message and return to mine list

We have a new nomination, lets see the details, for this lets add to our lists that functionality, all the elements in the lists have the class "details" so lets use that

$('.details').live('click', function(){
 var li = $(this).parents('li');
 var id = li.attr('id');
 var type = li.attr('type');
 showNomination(id, type, false);

First take the data to know which nomination is selected, add some data to details page and then load the nomination with the "showNomination" function, after that lets change the page to details

"showNomination" functions its like this:

//cargar la nominacion y llenar details
function showNomination(id, type, refresh){
    $.getJSON('http://nomination.cloudno.de/nominations/'+id, function(data) {
        if (!data){
            //alert('Du! nominacion ya no existe o termino :(');
            showMsg('dashboard.warning', 'dashboard.warning_erased');
        var details = $('#details');
        var daten = new Date();
        details.find('.endD').html( daten.getDate()+'/'+(daten.getMonth()+1)+'/'+daten.getUTCFullYear());
        var ntype = type;
        if (ntype === 'appear'){
        }else if (type === 'mine'){
        var usersl = details.find('.users');
        var userl = data.users.length;
        usersl.append('<li data-role="list-divider">Swipe to Vote/Delete</li>');
        for (var i=0; i<userl;i++){
      usersl.append('<li id="'+data.users[i]._id+'" type="'+type+'">'+
    '<img src="https://graph.facebook.com/'+data.users[i]._id+'/picture"/>'+
                '<span class="ui-li-count count">'+data.users[i].votes+'</span></li>');
    }).error(function() {
        showMsg('dashboard.error', 'dashboard.error_showing'); 

We bring the data for the selected nomination and we fill out the details page, depending on the type of the nomination is the buttons we show, we add the list of friends already nominated and we refresh the list, if any error we show the message to the user, in this function we also use a function to parse the date from Facebook called "setISO8601"

Date.prototype.setISO8601 = function (string) {
    var regexp = "([0-9]{4})(-([0-9]{2})(-([0-9]{2})" +
        "(T([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(:([0-9]{2})(\.([0-9]+))?)?" +
    var d = string.match(new RegExp(regexp));

    var offset = 0;
    var date = new Date(d[1], 0, 1);

    if (d[3]) { date.setMonth(d[3] - 1); }
    if (d[5]) { date.setDate(d[5]); }
    if (d[7]) { date.setHours(d[7]); }
    if (d[8]) { date.setMinutes(d[8]); }
    if (d[10]) { date.setSeconds(d[10]); }
    if (d[12]) { date.setMilliseconds(Number("0." + d[12]) * 1000); }
    if (d[14]) {
        offset = (Number(d[16]) * 60) + Number(d[17]);
        offset *= ((d[15] == '-') ? 1 : -1);

    offset -= date.getTimezoneOffset();
    var time = (Number(date) + (offset * 60 * 1000));

Ok, we have the nomination, now lets add friends:

$('#adduser').live('click', function(){
    $.mobile.changePage( "#addf",
     transition: "pop",
     reverse: false,
     changeHash: false

When the user click on add user we change to the list of friends page, in tis page we show all the friends and an add button

$('.add').live('click', function(){
    var users = [];
    var userp;
            "_id" : $(this).attr('id'),
            "name" : $(this).attr('name'),
            "votes" : 0
    var ul = users.length;
    if (ul > 0 && ul <= 1){
        userp = users[0];
     userp = users;
    var details = $('#details');
    var nid = details.find('#attd').attr('nid');
    var type = details.find('#attd').attr('type');
    $.post("http://nomination.cloudno.de/nominations/adduser", { id: nid, users: userp },
 function(data) {
     if (data){
            $.each(users,function(key, value){
                var usersl = details.find('.users');
                usersl.append('<li id="'+value._id+'" type="'+type+'">'+
                    '<img src="https://graph.facebook.com/'+value._id+'/picture"/>'+
                    '<span class="ui-li-count count">0</span></li>');
            $.mobile.changePage( "#details" );
      $.mobile.changePage( "#details" );
      showMsg('dashboard.error', 'dashboard.error_adduser');
 }).error(function() { 
        showMsg('dashboard.error', 'dashboard.error_adduser'); 

We got the list of selected users, we add them to the nomination and if everything its ok we add the to the list to the page to later return to the details page

Great, we are set now, next time we will see how to add/erase users in a nomination and how to invite more friends to play

Fork the code




Nomination mobile - part 2

This post its a part of a series about creating an app with node.js and express for Facebook... this time for mobile browsers

Part 1

Version en español

Desktop version:

Part 10

*NOTE: jqm = jquery mobile

We have our index, lets create the dashboard view, in this post we will create the views for all the nominations that an user can have such as "Mine", "Voted", "Appear", screen will look like this:



OK, lets start with the page layout, for that we will create a new file called "dashboardm.jade"

- if (invited)
#dashboard-mine(data-role="page", data-theme="d")
    div(data-role="header", data-theme="b", data-position="inline")
        h1= t('app.name')
        a(href="#", data-icon="plus", class="ui-btn-right") Invite
                    a#minel.ui-btn-active(href="#dashboard-mine", data-icon="star") Mine
                    a#votedl(href="#dashboard-voted", data-icon="check") Voted
                    a#appearl(href="#dashboard-appear", data-icon="alert") Appear
                a.create(href="#", data-role="button", data-theme="b") Create
                a(href="#", data-role="button", data-theme="b", data-icon="refresh") Refresh
            li(data-role="list-divider") Select to see the details

    div(data-role="footer", data-theme="b", data-position="fixed")
        label(data-theme="c", for="search-basic") Search nomination:
        input#searc-basic(data-theme="c", type="search", name="search", value="")

///page mine
#dashboard-voted(data-role="page", data-theme="d")
    div(data-role="header", data-theme="b", data-position="inline")
        h1= t('app.name')
        a(href="#", data-icon="plus", class="ui-btn-right") Invite
                    a#minel(href="#dashboard-mine", data-icon="star") Mine
                    a#votedl.ui-btn-active(href="#dashboard-voted", data-icon="check") Voted
                    a#appearl(href="#dashboard-appear", data-icon="alert") Appear

                a.create(href="#", data-role="button", data-theme="b") Create
                a(href="#", data-role="button", data-theme="b", data-icon="refresh") Refresh
            li(data-role="list-divider") Select to see the details

    div(data-role="footer", data-theme="b", data-position="fixed")
        label(data-theme="c", for="search-basic") Search nomination:
        input#searc-basic(data-theme="c", type="search", name="search", value="")

///page voted
#dashboard-appear(data-role="page", data-theme="d")

    div(data-role="header", data-theme="b", data-position="inline")
        h1= t('app.name')
        a(href="#", data-icon="plus", class="ui-btn-right") Invite
                    a#minel(href="#dashboard-mine", data-icon="star") Mine
                    a#votedl(href="#dashboard-voted", data-icon="check") Voted
                    a#appearl.ui-btn-active(href="#dashboard-appear", data-icon="alert") Appear

                a.create(href="#", data-role="button", data-theme="b") Create
                a(href="#", data-role="button", data-theme="b", data-icon="refresh") Refresh
            li(data-role="list-divider") Select to see the details

    div(data-role="footer", data-theme="b", data-position="fixed")
        label(data-theme="c", for="search-basic") Search nomination:
        input#searc-basic(data-theme="c", type="search", name="search", value="")

///page appear
    div(data-role="header", data-theme="e")
        h1 Message

    div(data-role="content", data-theme="d")
            a(href="#one", data-rel="back", data-role="button", data-inline="true", data-icon="back") Back

        h4= t('app.name')

///page message

Line1-2: check if the user come with a reference nomination

3: Page for "mine" nominations, we specify that this div its a page with `data-role="page"` and we are also using the theme "d" with `data-theme="d"`

4: `data-role="header"` is for page header and we use the "b" theme and the position will be "in-line", jqm will put it at the top of the page as a bar

5: App title header, since its inside the header, this will be shown centered in the header bar

6: Invite link, its a regular link but since its on the header part jqm put styles to look like a button, we are adding an icon with `data-icon="plus"` this is the "+" sign and also we are adding a class `class="ui-btn-right"`, this class will tell jqm that we want this button on the right side, if we don't put this class the button will be on the left by default

7-14: Navigation bar `data-role="navbar"`, its a list that jqm will put in a vertical bar with big buttons, each button is a list item, each list item have a link tag, we will add the class `.ui-btn-active` to the current link so it looks different

17: the actual page content `data-role="content"`

18: for this page we will use the class `.ui-grid-b` in a fieldset, this will make jqm to divide this section of the page in 3 parts, which we will fill out with divs, other classes divide the screen with different sizes

19-23: all the divs to fill out the fieldset have the class `.ui-block-a`, the last character change for "b" or "c" to change the position in the fieldset, we are also adding links, in this case since we are not inside a navegation bar or the heade/footer bar we need to specify that we want to look like a button with `data-role="button"`

25-26: This will hold the list of nominations, in this case of type "mine", the list are created with `data-role="listview"`, we are also adding a list divider item that its just an item to display kind of a title in the list but it doesn't do anything, we put that with `data-role="list-divider"`, dividers can go in any part of the list

29: The footer `data-role="footer"` with theme "b" and fixed position, this will make the footer to always appear at the bottom, for example if the list of nominations is too big, the user have to scroll down to see all of the nominations, while the user is scrolling the footer will hide, when the user finish scrolling the footer will appear again at the bottom

30-31: A search form with a label and an input, will hide/appear with the footer

35-101: the others pages are like mine just changing the type of nomination and the active button in the navigation bar

We have all the "pages" in one, the first page described is the one that jqm will show for default, other wont be processed until the user change to that page or something, remember jqm load the pages with ajax

102-119: this page is different since we are going to use it to show messages to the user, at call we will fill out the divs here and show the page

This is all for the jade part, now lets add functionality with js, for that we need to create a new filled called"mscript.js"

$( document ).bind( "mobileinit", function() {
    // Make your jQuery Mobile framework configuration changes here!
    $.mobile.touchOverflowEnabled = true;
    $.mobile.allowCrossDomainPages = true;
function loadNominations(type){
    $.getJSON('http://nomination.cloudno.de/nominations/'+type, function(data) {
        var list = $('#'+type);
        if (data.length < 1 ){
            //showMsg('dashboard.warning', 'dashboard.warning_zarro');
            $.each(data, function(key, value){
                list.append('<li id="'+value._id+'" type="'+type+'"><a class="details" href="http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=3456447871634044420#">'+value.name+'</a></li>');
    }).error(function() { $.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg(); showMsg('dashboard.error', 'dashboard.warning_nominations'); });
$('#dashboard-mine').live('pagecreate', function(){ 
$('#dashboard-voted').live('pagecreate', function(){ 
$('#dashboard-appear').live('pagecreate', function(){ 
function showMsg(err, msg){
    var dialog = $("#popup");
 $.mobile.changePage( dialog );

1-5: start some jqm stuff

6-20: with this function we will load all the nominations by type, we first show a loading msg and then with ajax load this nominations in json format, if we don't have errors and we have some data lets add the results to the list of nominations and at the end we need to do a refresh() to the listview if not jqm wont format them and we erase the loading msg; if we have errors lets show or error page with some details

21-29: this is some kind of "ready" in jquery but for mobile, we are telling jqm here that when the page is ready load the nominations of that kind

30-35: The functionality to show msgs, in this case we load the dialog, fill it out with some details and then show the dialog with "changepage", this is to change the page programatically

OK, to see this page running lets add a temporary route to "dashboard.js", since we don't have a lot functionality we don't want users to get stuck on this page... add this around line 56:

 * Dashboardm landing, TODO: erase this
app.get('/dashboardm', function(req, res){
            user: req.session.user, 
            error : req.param('error'), 
            type: 'dashboard', 
            invited: false,
            layout: 'layoutm'

We are just showing the mobile dashboard page with the mobile layout and passing some needed variables, to see this page, login like always and when you are on the dashboard change the end of the url to "dashboardm" and you will see the mobile part

Fork the code




Nomination mobile - part 1

This post its a part of a series about creating an app with node.js and express for Facebook... this time for mobile browsers

Version en español

Desktop version:

Part 10

Now that we have our beta version of nomination, lets create the mobile version so the mobile users can see it and we will help us later for pass this to phonegap

In this case we will use jquery-mobile (jqm) to create our mobile layouts
Our initial mockup is something like this:





Good, lets create our layout with jade, first lets upload everything we need to work with jquery-mobile to our project, upload the css, js and the images to our public folder in the project, dont forget to update the css to point where the images are in your setup...

Lets start with the "layoutm.jade" that describes the layout for mobile, this file goes into views

!!! 5
//if lt IE 7
  | <html class="no-js ie6 oldie" lang="en">
//if IE 7
  | <html class="no-js ie7 oldie" lang="en">
//if IE 8
  | <html class="no-js ie8 oldie" lang="en">
//if gte IE 9
  | <html class="no-js" lang="en">
  title= t('app.name')
  meta(name='description', content='Nomination')
  meta(name='author', content='mrpix')
  meta(name="viewport", content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1")
  link(rel="shortcut icon", href="/images/favicon.ico")
  link(rel="apple-touch-icon", href="/images/apple-touch-icon.png")
  // CSS
  link(rel="stylesheet", href="/stylesheets/jqm.css", type="text/css")
  - if (type === 'dashboard')
    link(rel="stylesheet", href="/stylesheets/dashboard.css", type="text/css")
  - else
    link(rel="stylesheet", href="/stylesheets/index.css", type="text/css")
     window.jQuery \|\| document.write("<script src='/javascripts/lib/jquery-1.7.1.min.js'>\\x3C/script>")
  != body
  script(defer, src='i18next/i18next.js', type='text/javascript')
  - if (type === 'dashboard')
    script(defer, src="/javascripts/mscript.js")
    var _gaq = _gaq || [];
    _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXXXXX-X']);

    (function() {
    var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
    ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js';
    var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);

Here we are loading the css and the js for mobile, i18next and our functionality with mscript.js and at the end the google analytics part

OK, lets create the index mobile version in "indexm.jade" also in views folder

- var login = "/login";
- if (invited)
    - login = "/login?invited="+invited;
div(data-role="page", data-theme="d")
    div(data-role="header", data-theme="b")
        h1= t('app.name')

                    th= t('index.features')
                    td= t('index.feature1')
                    td= t('index.feature2')
                    td= t('index.feature3')
                    td= t('index.feature4')
                    td= t('index.feature5')
        a(href="#{login}", rel="external")
        - if (error)
            .error #{t(error)}
        img(src="/images/ipn.png", width="90px")
    div(data-role="footer", data-theme="b")
        h4 © Ivan Torres -MrPix

Line 1-3: check for any invited user

4: Create our page with the 'data-role="page"' attribute, with this we tell jqm that this div its a page container with the theme "d"

5-6: The hader div will have the title and "b" theme, the header style in jqm will put the title in the center and as a bar at the top of the page

8-29: the content of the page is defined with `data-role="content"`, in this case its just a table with the lsit of features and our login with facebook btn

30-31: page footer just have the copyright announcement and its rendered with "b" theme, applied with `data-role="footer"`

Sweet, lets update our route manager to test for mobile and if we have a mobile visitor send it to our new layout, lets update "roues/index.js"

Lets load our new module create in our past post, remember to install it with "npm install node-bowser" or update the package.json and do "npm install -d", problems with this let me know in the comments...

Load the module in line 5 and add a variable

bowser = require('node-bowser'),

In our main route lets use the module to decide with views we need to show

bt = new bowser(req);
if (bt.isMobile() || bt.isTablet()){
                    error : req.param('error'), 
                    type: 'index', 
                    invited: req.param('invited'),
                    layout: 'layoutm'
                    error : req.param('error'), 
                    type: 'index', 
                    invited: req.param('invited')

If its mobile or tablet we will show the mobile version if not our regular desktop version

Its enough for now, later posts we will add pages and functionality

Fork the code in github:



Creating a module for nodejs

For this post, we are going to create a module for nodes to check the browser type, we are going to check the agent to guess if its touch, tablet, mobile, etc... its not 100% sure because we are only checking the agent but its a start... at the end we are going to upload to npm :)

Version en español

First lets create our directories, the module will be called "node-bowser", the structure of the files/folders will be like this:

  • lib
    • node-bowser.js
  • test
    • main.js
    • test.js
  • index.js
  • license
  • package.json
  • Readme.md
We won't use dependencies for the module but we are going to use vows for development, lets create the "package.json":

  "name": "node-bowser",
  "description": "bad! browser detection for mobile, tablet and touch",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "author": "Ipseitycloud, Ivan Torres ",
  "keywords": ["browser detection ua user-agent mobile table touch"],
  "main" : "lib/node-bowser.js",
  "directories" : { "lib" : "./lib" },
  "devDependencies": {
      "vows" : "0.6.1"
  "repository" : {"type": "git" , "url": "http://github.com/pinguxx/node-bowser.git" },
  "engines": { "node": "> 0.2.0" }

We are declaring all the necessary stuff for our module, name, description, author, keywords, which is our main file, code directories, dependencies for development (if we need prod dependencies we can put as dependencies without the dev), the repository if we have one and the node version this will work.

Lets fill out our "index.js" usually we just use this to expose the real module, looks like this:

module.exports = require('./lib/node-bowser');

We are only exporting whatever we got from the file "lib/node-bowser.js", lets see how this file looks:

module.exports = NBOWSER = function(req){
    this._agent = req.header ? req.header('user-agent') : req.headers['user-agent'].toLowerCase();
    this._ismobile = (/iphone|ipod|android|blackberry|opera mini|opera mobi|skyfire|maemo|windows phone|palm|iemobile|symbian|symbianos|fennec/i.test(this._agent));
    this._istablet = (/ipad|android 3|sch-i800|playbook|xoom|tablet|kindle|gt-p1000|sgh-t849|shw-m180s|a510|a511|a100|dell streak|silk/i.test(this._agent));
NBOWSER.prototype.isMobile = function(){
    return this._ismobile;
NBOWSER.prototype.isTablet = function(){
    return this._istablet;
NBOWSER.prototype.isTouch = function(){
    return (/iphone|ipad|ipod|android/i.test(this._agent));
NBOWSER.prototype.isDesktop = function(){
    return !(this._ismobile || this._istablet);

Line1: We are creating our object var NBOWSER that holds all the functionality that we are going to export

2: we export the object that is the function we define here

3-5: our local variables... first we get the agent from req, could be a regular request object or express req, then lets check if this is mobile or table against our list of browsers that we currently support, we should update this frequently

6-11: this functions are just to know if the agent is mobile or tablet

12-14: in this function we check if the agent is touch, for now we are only checking for iOS and android

15: in this function we check we don't have mobile or tablet then we suppose to have a desktop browser... this is all our functionality, easy right?, lets do some testing with vows

Lets create our test folder and our first file "test.js"

 * node-bowser testing
var vows = require('vows'),
    assert = require('assert'),
    nbowser = require('../lib/node-bowser.js');

exports.test = vows.describe('check user agent').addBatch({
    'check mobile' : {
        topic : function(){
            var req = {headers : {'user-agent' : "iphone"}};
            return new nbowser(req);
        'result its iphone' : function(bowser){
        'and its not desktop' : function(bowser){
    'check tablet' : {
        topic : function(){
            var req = {headers : {'user-agent' : "ipad"}};
            return new nbowser(req);
        'result its tablet' : function(bowser){
        'and its not desktop' : function(bowser){
    'check touch' : {
        topic : function(){
            var req = {headers : {'user-agent' : "iphone"}};
            return new nbowser(req);
        'result its touch' : function(bowser){
        'and its not desktop' : function(bowser){
    'check android' : {
        topic : function(){
            var req = {headers : {'user-agent' : "android"}};
            return new nbowser(req);
        'result its android' : function(bowser){
        'and its not desktop' : function(bowser){
    'check android tablet' : {
        topic : function(){
            var req = {headers : {'user-agent' : "xoom"}};
            return new nbowser(req);
        'result its android tablet' : function(bowser){
        'and its not desktop' : function(bowser){

Line 6-8:  load the modules needed

10: declare the suite and add the test cases

11-15: Create a new topic were we generate an object of type request and we add an imaginary agent of type "iphone", then we create our node-bowser object and we return it so the others test get it and test it

16-22: we check the agent is iphone and its not desktop

23...: All the rest of the testing are similar, we just send different agents and check for other things, any doubt let me know in the comments

Our main help us to run the test suite and its quite simple:

#!/usr/bin/env node
 * Test runner
var nbowser = require('./test');

Here we are just getting the test described in the test file and run them.

License file only have the license used in this case AGPL

The "readme.md" that have a description of the module that we are going to put in github, its a good practice to describe in the readme the functionality so they can actually use it, check the readme in github

Good the module is ready, now lets add this to npm repository, but first lets install npm, its very easy just run this command in the console:

curl http://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh

If you install node in windows it now comes with npm if dont for some reason, check the info

Once we have npm, we have to create first our user:

npm adduser

It will ask for name, password and email, any problem ask me or check the documentation

Before publishing it, we need to check that its actually working as expected and it can be installed locally without problems if not publishing it will be problematic... to test it, go to your root folder of the module and do in the console:
npm install . -g

If everything its ok lets test it, go to another dir and install it:

cd ../some-other-folder
npm install ../my-package

And we use it in any dummy node program, if everything goes ok then we publish it.

In our root folder of the module run this:

npm publish

After some seconds we have a success... and we are set you can see your module in " npmjs.org ", for more information check the documentation for

We are set, now tell the world about your module and start using it

Fork the code



Nomination part 10 - last touches

Version en español

This post is part of the series about creating an app with node.js, express for Facebook

Lets put a beta version now, lets integrate a search, a way to invite friends to the app, a logo and lets fix some of the reported bugs, lets go with parts:

1. Lets put a validation so users can only vote once a day, for this lets change how we add the voters, this part was made by Github alejandromg that holds the blog, nodehispano, but what he did overall its when we add a voter, we add an object with the facebook id as the object identifier and inside this the date of the last time the user voted, also i update the validation to search where the user has voted. thanks Alejandro

2. Lets add searching, for this we are going to add a little input text in our header as a form, with jquery we are going to bind to the submit event and with some ajax do the searching and on return show the list of nominations with those terms:

First lets update our "dashboard.jade" in the header part:

            input.search(type="text", placeholder="Search")

and this at the end to show the results


then lets add this to "dashboard.js" to add the route

     * buscar nominaciones
    app.post('/nominations/search', checkUser, function(req, res){
        var term = req.param('term');
        nominator.findNominationByName( term, function(err, data){
            if (err) { log.debug('error getting nominations:' + err); res.json(null); return; }

Then update uur controller to add seaches in the db:

 * find nominations by term
 * @term nomination name or term
 * @callback function
NOMINATOR.findNominationByName = function(term, callback){
    //TODO: scape this
    var myregex = RegExp(term);
    Nomination.find({name: myregex},['name', 'id'], callback);

Finally put our jquery part in "script.js":

        var searchTerm = $('#sf').find('.search').val();
        if (searchTerm){
            $.post("/nominations/search", { term: searchTerm },
                function(data) {
                    if (data){
                        var datal = data.length;
                        if (datal <1 ){
                            showMsg('dashboard.warning', 'dashboard.notfound');
                        var dialog = $( '#dialog-sr' );
                        var fs = dialog.find('#sr');
                        for (var i=0;i<datal;i++){
                            fs.append('<input type="radio" name="sr" value="'+data[i]._id+'"> '+data[i].name+'<br>');
                        showMsg('dashboard.error', 'dashboard.error_searching');
            ).error(function() { $('.loading').hide(); showMsg('dashboard.error', 'dashboard.error_searching'); });
        return false;

3. We need the users invite other people without nominating them so lets put a link to do that, after search text box lets put a link, catch the "click" event with jquery and show the list of friends to invite and from node write in the wall of the invited user(s)

In the hader of "Dashboard.jade"

            a.invite(href="#") Invite

at the end:


Lets add the route to the "dashboard.js"

     * Invitar amigos
    app.post('/invite', checkUser, function(req, res){
        var usersl = req.param('users');
        var userl = 0;
        var onerror;
        if (usersl instanceof Array){
            userl = usersl.length;
            onerror = function (error) {
                        if (error) { log.debug('error posting on voted user'); return; }
            for (var i=0;i<userl;i++){
                        access_token: req.session.user.access_token,
                        message: app._locals.t('dashboard.invited'),
                        name: app._locals.t('dashboard.nominate'),
                        link: url
            onerror = function (error) {
                    if (error) { log.debug('error posting on voted user'); return; }
                        access_token: req.session.user.access_token,
                        message: app._locals.t('dashboard.invited'),
                        name: app._locals.t('dashboard.nominate'),
                        link: url

And our jquery code:

//creamos el dialog de agregar usuarios
    $( "#dialog-invite" ).dialog({
        autoOpen: false,
        height: 300,
  width: 450,
  modal: true,
  buttons: {
   "Invite friend(s)": function() {
                var dialog = $(this);
                var users = [];
                var userp;
                $('#selectablei').find('.ui-selected').each(function(key, value){
                        "_id" : $(value).attr('id'),
                        "name" : $(value).text()
                var ul = users.length;
                if (ul > 0 && ul <= 1){
                    userp = users[0];
                    userp = users;
                $.post("/invite", { users: userp },
                    function(data) {
                        if (data){
                            showMsg('dashboard.warning', 'dashboard.invited');
                            dialog.dialog( "close" );
                            dialog.dialog( "close" );
                            showMsg('dashboard.error', 'dashboard.warning_invited');
                ).error(function() { $('.loading').hide(); showMsg('dashboard.warning', 'dashboard.warning_invited'); });
   Cancel: function() {
    $( this ).dialog( "close" );
  close: function() {

        $( "#dialog-invite" ).dialog( "open" );

4. Update our translation strings in all the folders

5. Update some styles

6. Alejandromg found an error at the moment of finishing a nomination when no users were added, the app hang, we just add an "if" to check the list of users if none we just cancel the nomination

7. See my very amateur gimp logo, its like a small diploma showing that you can win something... options are welcome
8. Add a wiki in github with a smal tutorial to use the app (in spanish only for now, translators are welcome)

9. Update the facebook page, put the logo and some info

10. Close github issues and

11. We have a beta :), lets make noise in facebook and with the friends, hopefully they will enjoy the app as well i did creating it

YAY!!!, we have our app working with node.js, express and some other modules

We have still some bugs so you are welcome to help

If you have ideas for enhancements send them, we will try to add them

Next post we will try to do the mobile version

Use and promote the app.

Fork the code in github:
